
General description of Vitiligo program at Kaohsiung Medical University

The vitiligo research team at Kaohsiung Medical University began its work in 1985 under the guidance of Professor Hsin-Su Yu, the current President of our University. Our research team includes clinicians, immunologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists and pathologists.  In order to bring more efficient treatment regimen for vitiligo patients, we have investigated the events involved in pigment loss and mechanisms involved during repigmentation process of vitiligo.  In our more than 2 decades of work, we have contributed to the understanding of vitiligo (please refer to scientific description below for more detail).  More importantly, we have introduced low energy Helium-Neon laser for treatment of vitiligo (Yu et al, 2003).  This treatment option is safe and effective and is especially valuable for children and anatomic areas requiring special consideration (i.e. periocular area).  There are many on-going vitiligo projects in Kaoshiung Medical University.  We are exploring the possibility of new phototherapeutic option for treating vitiligo using more efficient and safe light sources.  In addition, we are establishing a new classification scheme for vitiligo at genomic level.  It is our hope that in the near future, we may be able to treat vitiligo patients according to this new classification scheme.


Yu HS, Wu CS, Yu CL, Kao YH, Chiou MH. Helium-neon laser irradiation stimulates migration and proliferation in melanocytes and induces repigmentation in segmental-type vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol. 120:56-64, 2003.