Dr.Ching-Shuang Wu

image E-mail:m785034@kmu.edu.tw

Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan



  • C.C. Lan, W.W. Feng, Y.W. Lu, C.S. Wu, S.T. Hung, H.Y. Hsu, H.S. Yu, Y.C. Ko, C.H. Lee, Y.H. Yang, G.S. Chen. Hand eczema among University Hospital nursing staff: identification of high-risk sector and impact on quality of life. Contact Dermatitis 59: 301-306, 2008. (SCI)

  • C.C. Lan, I.H. Liu, A. H. Fang, C.H. Wen, C.S. Wu*. Hyperglycemic Conditions Decreases Cultured Keratinocyte Mobility: Implications on Impaired Wound Healing in Diabetic Patients. Br J Dermatol 159: 1103-1115, 2008. (SCI)

  • S.C. Hu, G.S. Chen, C.S. Wu, C.Y. Chai, W.T. Chen, C.C. Lan. Poromas: expression of melanocyte-stimulating cytokines by tumour cells does not always result in melanocyte colonization. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 22: 303-310, 2008. (SCI)

  • J. Tsai, G.S. Chen, Y.W. Lu, C.S. Wu, C.C. Lan. Late-onset Behçet's disease does not correlate with indolent clinical course: report of seven Taiwanese patients. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 22(5):596-600.

  • C.C. Lan, C.S. Wu, G.S. Chen. Pretreatment tumour necrosis factor-alpha secretions from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of psoriatic patients do not correlate with rapid clinical response: urgent need for prognostic parameters. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 22: 398-399, 2008. (SCI)

  • S.C. Hu, G.S. Chen, Y.W. Lu, C.S. Wu, C.C. Lan. Cutaneous metastases from different internal malignancies: a clinical and prognostic appraisal. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 22: 735-740, 2008. (SCI)

  • C.C. Lan, H.S. Yu, S.M. Huang, C.S. Wu, G.S. Chen. FK506 induces interleukin-6 secretion from UVB irradiated cultured human keratinocytes via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway: implication on mechanisms of tacrolimus-induced skin irritation. J Dermatol Sci 48:225-228, 2008. (SCI)

  • S.C. Hu, G.S. Chen, C.S. Wu, C.C. Lan. Serum tissue polypeptide antigen correlating with clinical course in a patient with mycosis fungoides: a potential disease marker? Br J Dermatol 157: 423-425, 2007. (SCI)

  • C.C. Lan, C.L. Lin, C.S. Wu, C.Y. Chai, W.T. Chen, G.S. Chen. Treatment of idiopathic prurigo nodularis in Taiwanese patients with low-dose thalidomide. J Dermatol 2007;34:237-242. (SCI)

  • C.S. Wu, Lan CC, Wang LF, G.S. Chen, C.S. Wu, H.S. Yu. Effects of psoralen plus ultraviolet A irradiation on cultured epidermal cells in vitro and patients with vitiligo in vivo. Brit J Dermatol 2007;156:122-129. (SCI)

  • C.C. Lan, H.S. Yu, C.S. Wu, G.S. Chen. Immotile acral melanocytes? Br J Dermatol 2007;155:1300-1301.(SCI)

  • C.S. Wu, C.C. Lan, M.H. Chiou, H.S. Yu. Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes melanocyte migration via increased expression of p125(FAK) on melanocytes. Acta Derm Venereol 2006;86:498-502. (SCI)

  • C.C. Lan, C.S. Wu, P.C. Tsai, G.S. Chen. Diagnostic role of soluble fas ligand secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with previous drug-induced blistering disease: a pilot study. Acta Derm Venereol 2006;86:215-218. (SCI)

  • C.C. Lan, C.S. Wu, M.H. Chiou, P.C. Hsieh, H.S. Yu. Low-energy helium-neon laser induces locomotion of the immature melanoblasts and promotes melanogenesis of the more differentiated melanoblasts: recapitulation of vitiligo repigmentation in vitro. J Invest Dermatol 2006;126:2119-2126. (SCI)

  • C.C. Lan, C.S. Wu, C.M. Cheng, C.L. Yu, G.S. Chen, H.S. Yu. Enhanced expression of endothelin-1 in pigmented basal cell carcinoma: Implication for the mechanism of hyperpigmentation. Exp Dermatol. 2005 (SCI)

  • C.C. E. Lan, G.S. Chen, M.H. Chiou, C.S. Wu, C.H. Chang, H.S. Yu. FK506 promotes melanocytes and melanoblast growth and creats favorable milieu for cell migration via kerationcytes: possible mechanism of how Tacrolimus Ointment induces repigmentaion in vitiligo patients. Brit J Dermatol 2005; (SCI)

  • C.C. E. Lan, H.S. Yu, C.S. Wu, K.B. Tsai, C.H. Wen, G.S. Chen. Pigmented Eccrine Poroma with Enhanced Endothelin-1 Expression: Implication for mechanism of Hyperpigmentation. Br J Dermatol 2005; (SCI)

  • C.C. E. Lan, W.C. Tsai, C.S. Wu, C.L. Yu, H.S. Yu. Psoriatic patients with arthropathy show significant expression of free HLA class I heavy chains on circulating monocytes: a potential role in the pathogenesis of psoriatic arthropathy. Br J of Dermatol 2004;151:24-31. (SCI)

  • C.S. Wu, C.L. Yu, C.S. Wu, C.C. E. Lan, H.S. Yu. Narrow-band UVB stimulates proliferation and migration in cultured melanocytes. Exp Dermatol 2004;13:684-692. (SCI)

  • C.S. Wu, C.L. Yu, C.H. Chang, W.R. Kuo, H.J. Lin, H.S. Yu. Effect and correlation of serum total IgE, eosinophil granule cationic proteins and sensitized allergens in atopic dermatitis patients with or without rhinitis. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2002;18:229-235.

  • S.P. Swen, C.S. Wu, H.S. Yu. Effects of helium-neon laser on human melanoma cell migration. Biomed Eng Appl Basis Comm 2002;14:243-250.